Why Adjustable-Rate Mortgages are Making a Comeback
While conventional fixed-rate mortgages reign king during periods of low rates, other home loan options shine in uncertain markets. One of these loans is an adjustable-rate mortgage or ARM.
Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Money
It’s never too early to begin teaching kids about money. Responsible money management is a vital skill they will carry throughout their lives.
IRS De-stress: 5 consejos para gente que hace sus impuestos al ultimo minuto
Aquí hay cinco sugerencias para hacer la declaración en la última hora.
Protegiendo a sus seres queridos del fraude de ancianos
Aquí hay acciones que puede tomar para ayudar a proteger financieramente a sus seres queridos.
6 Tips to Avoid Credit Card Fraud
Here are 6 tips and rules of thumb to go by that can help protect yourself from credit card fraud.
Protecting Your Loved Ones from Elder Fraud
Financial exploitation is a reality many seniors face, especially in the age of online scams. Here are actions you can take to help financially safeguard your loved ones.
Don't be a Victim of a Social Security Scam
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning of a recent surge in Social Security scams which, unfortunately, are often successful. Here’s what you need to know.
What to do if You’re Laid Off
One word that usually follows “recession” is “layoffs.” Even if you feel secure in your job, a strategy to deal with a hypothetical layoff never hurts.
Understanding the Components of a Mortgage Payment
One area that first-time homebuyers struggle the most to understand is their monthly mortgage payment.
Common Cents for Couples: How to Manage Money Together
So, what’s the best way to foster financial unity on the home front? We’ve come up with some suggestions we hope you’ll find helpful.
Comunes para Parejas: Cómo Administrar el Dinero Juntos
Entonces, ¿cuál es la mejor manera de fomentar la unidad financiera en el hogar? Hemos creado algunas sugerencias que esperamos que le resulten útiles.
Set ‘Em and Forget ‘Em: 4 Financial Resolutions You Can Accomplish Now
If you want a few financial resolutions that you can achieve early into the new year (because who doesn’t love an easy to-do list??) here are some suggestions.
Configúrelos y Olvídelos: 4 Resoluciones Financieras que Puede Lograr Ahora
Si desea algunas resoluciones financieras que pueda lograr a principios del nuevo año (porque ¿a quién no le gusta una lista fácil de hacer?) aquí hay algunas sugerencias.
6 Family-Proof Financial Topics for Holiday Gatherings
Here are six conversation starters you can safely steer towards if you don’t want your great uncle or next-door neighbor giving you the side-eye during dinner.
Charlas Sobre Dinero: 6 Temas Financieros para Conversar en Familia Durante las Fiestas
Aquí tiene seis temas de conversación que puede utilizar de manera segura si no quiere que su tío-abuelo o vecino lo esté viendo de reojo durante la cena.
Holiday Safety Tips at the ATM
ATM theft remains a prevalent crime during this time of year since more people tend to make regular cash withdrawals during the holidays.
Managing Debt as Interest Rates Rise
Here are five general questions to ask in order to minimize the hit to your wallet in the face of rising interest rates.
Administración de Deuda a Medida que Aumentan las Tasas de Interés
Aquí tiene cinco preguntas generales que puede hacerse para minimizar el golpe a la billetera en vista del aumento en las tasas de interés.
How One Family Got Smart About Credit
As you’ll see in the lessons learned, being smart about credit, debt, and borrowing is a key part of overall financial health.
Cómo una Familia se Puso Lista con el Crédito
Como verá en las lecciones aprendidas, ser inteligente sobre el crédito, la deuda y el endeudamiento es una parte clave de la salud financiera general.